Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

Pengertian, Fungsi, Jenis, Penggunaan Contoh Kalimat Modals Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Modal (modalitas) adalah bentuk kata yang membantu kata kerja. Modal harus disandingkan dengan verbs. Oleh karenanya, modal juga sering dinamakan kata kerja ganti.
Secara garis besar. modal dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu modals present dan modals past. Perhatikan tabel berikut ini.
Modals present
Modals past
Can (bisa)
Will (akan)
Shall (akan)
Should /
May (boleh)
Must (hams)
Had to
Should (harus/sebaiknya)
Ought to (harus/sebaiknya)

Selain contoh modal di atas. ada beberapa kata yang juga memiliki makna yang sama, seperti :
Can/could : be capable of. be able to. manage to
Will/shall : he doing to, be about to
May/might : perhaps, probable, possible, presumable bad better, be supposed to
  • Yang dimaksud dengan be adalah to be seperti: is, am. are, was, dan were.

Adapun formula dari modal adalah sebagai berikut :
( + ) S + modal + V1 + ( O )
( – ) S + modal + not + V1 + ( O )
( ? ) modal + S + V1 + ( O ) ?

Modal memiliki beberapa penggunaan seperti berikut ini:
1. Can/could
a. Menyatakan kemampuan
Contoh :
  • can cook very well. ( Aku bisa memasak dengan sangat baik. )
  • could not sing this song beautifully. ( Aku tidak bisa menyanyikan lagu ini dengan baik. )
b. Menyatakan kemungkinan
  • Can Call You If I have finished my work. ( Aku bisa meneleponmu jika pekerjaanku sudah selesai. )
  • Could not listen to what he said. ( Aku tidak bisa mendengarkan apa yang dia katakan. )
c. Menyatakan Izin
  • You Can Watch TV after doing your homework. ( Kamu boleh menonton TV setelah menyelesaikan PR-mu. )
  • You Can borrow my novel tomorrow morning. ( Kamu boleh meminjam novelku besok pagi. )
d. Menyatakan permohonan yang sopan.
  • Can I use your phone? Bolehkah aku memakai teleponmu?
  • Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? Bisakah kamu memberi tahuku di mana letak bank terdekat?
Catatan: Dalam kasus permohonan. could lebih sopan dari- pada can.

2. May/might
a. Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan (tidak yakin 100%)
Contoh :
  • Tia does not come to the class, she may get up late. ( Tia tidak masuk sekolah. dia mungkin bangun ke- siangan. )
  • shinta might not be angry because I am her boyfriend. Shinta mungkin tidak marah karena aku adalah pacarnya.

b. Untuk menyatakan izin

  • You might meet Your mom. ( Kamu boleh menemui ibumu. )
  • May I ask you a question? Bolehkah aku bertanya padamu?

3. Must / had to
Untuk menyatakan keharusan
  • You must pay all of these. ( Aku harus membayar semua ini. )
  • You must not be late. ( Kamu tidak boleh telat. )
  • We had to keep the secret. ( Kita harus menjaga rahasia ini. )

c. Untuk menyatakan kepastian/ prediksi yang pasti
  • After studying all the day. you must be so tired. ( Setelah belajar seharian, kamu pasti kecapaian. )
  • Since you do not practice seriously, you must not Win the dance competition. ( Karena kamu tidak berlatih dengan serius. kamu pasti tidak akan menang dalam lomba menari.
4. Shall
a. Shall digunakan untuk I dan we. dan Shall digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana.
  • We shall return the books this week end. ( Kami akan mengembalikan buku-buku ini akhir pekan ini. )
  • shall not text you tonight. ( Aku tidak akan SMS kamu nanti malam. )
b. Dalam kalimat tanya, shall digunakan untuk memberikan saran.
  • It is too hot here. Shall I open the window? ( Di sini panas sekali. Bagaimana jika aku membuka jendelanya? )
  • You shall ask me if I want this food. ( Kamu sebaiknya bertanya padaku apakah aku mau makanan ini. )

5. Should
Should digunakan untuk menyatakan saran. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata ini memiliki makna sebaiknya. Berbeda dengan mustshould tidak begitu mengharuskan seseorang untuk melakukan saran tersebut.
Contoh :
  • You look so tired, you should take a rest. ( Kamu terlihat sangat capek, kamu sebaiknya beristirahat. )
  • She Should tell me where she will go. ( Dia sebaiknya memberitahuku ke mana dia akan pergi. )
  • Should give You The money? ( Haruskah aku memberimu uang? )
  • You should take the test. ( Kamu sebaiknya ikut tes itu. )

6. Will
a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana (plan)
Contoh :
  • will go to Manado. ( Aku akan pergi ke Manado. )
  • Will you come to my party? ( Akankah kau akan datang ke pestaku? )

b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan kemauan (willingness)
  • will help you. ( Aku akan membantumu. )
  • will lend you the book. ( Aku akan meminjamimu buku. )
  • Will you invite Clara to your birthday party? ( Apakah kamu akan mengundang Clara ke pesta ulang tahunmu? )
c. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perkiraan (prediction)
  • If it rains tonight,  I will not come. ( Jika nanti malam hujan. aku tidak akan datang. )
  • My parents will buy a new house if they have sold the old house. ( Orang tuaku akan membeli rumah baru jika mereka sudah menjual rumah tua. )

7. Would
a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana di masa lampau (plan)
Contoh :
  • would visit Bali last semester but I did not have money. ( Aku akan mengunjungi Bali semester akhir tapi aku tidak memiliki uang. )
  • would sleep last night, but it was too noisy. ( Aku akan tidur semalam tapi berisik sekali. )

b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan permohonan yang sopan.
  • Would you please show your ID card? ( Bisa tunjukkan KTP Anda? )
  • Would you please tell when the train leaves? Boleh tahu jam berapa keretanya berangkat?

8. Ought to
Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan saran. Namun. saran tersebut tidak begitu kuat atau memaksa.
Contoh :
  • You ought to study tonight. ( Kamu sebaiknya belajar nanti malam. )
  • He ought not to be here. ( Dia seharusnya tidak berada disini. )

Bentuk modal yang lain adalah yang modal+ perfect yang di- gunakan untuk menunjukkan masa lampau. Formula untuk bentuk modal ini adalah sebagai berikut:
(+) S + modal + have + V3 + (O)
(-) S + modal + have + not +V3 + (O)
(?) Modal + S + have + V3 + (O)

1. Must have
Digunakan untuk menyimpulkan kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Modal jenis ini menyatakan bahwa penutur sangat yakin dengan kesimpulan yang dibuatnya.
  • You won the competition. You must have practiced very hard. ( Kamu memenangkan perlombaan. Kamu pasti sudah berlatih dengan keras. )
  • You look so exhausted. You must have not taken a rest. ( Kamu terlihat sangat capek. Kamu pasti tidak beristirahat. )

2. May/Might have
Digunakan untuk menyimpulkan kemungkinan yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Modal jenis ini menyatakan bahwa pe-nutur tidak begitu yakin dengan ucapannya.
  •  Jane 0did not come to work this morning. She might have been sick. ( Jane tidak masuk kerja pagi ini. Mungkin dia sakit.
  • Shinta failed in the exam. She mav have not studied. ( Shinta tidak lulus ujian. Dia mungkin tidak belajar. )

3. Could have
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan yang tidak di- laksanakan pada masa lampau.
  • I believe that he could have been an outstanding student. ( Aku percaya bahwa dia sebenarnya bisa menjadi siswa teladan. (Kalimat tersebut maksudnya meskipun dia bisa, namun dia tidak berusaha mewujudkannya.)
  •  I could have answered Mr. Tono’s questions but I remained silent. ( Aku sebenarnya bisa menjawab pertanyaan Pak Tono. tapi aku tetap diam saja.)

Jumat, 15 April 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 *2

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang dapat menggantikan suatu kata benda atau frasa kata benda. Kata ganti berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata benda yang sama yang telah disebut sebelumnya.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, pronoun terdiri dari tujuh jenis, yaitu:
1.      Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh diri subjek sendiri (subject of the verb) atau dengan kata lain memberi penekanan pada unsur subjek atau objek. Kata ganti bentuk tunggal mendapat akhiran –self, dan bentuk jamak dengan akhiran –selves.
Myself = Saya sendiri
Yourself/yourselves = Kamu sendiri/kalian sendiri
Themselves = Mereka sendiri
Ourselves = Kami sendiri
Himself = Dia sendiri (laki-laki)
Herself = Dia sendiri (perempuan)
Itself= Dia sendiri (benda atau binatang)
Contoh kalimatnya:
– Sunny made this book by herself.
– He enjoyed himself by watching two movies.
– The children are old enough to look after themselves.
2.      Possessive Pronoun (kata ganti milik)
Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang memperlihatkan kepunyaan seseorang atau kelompok.
Ada dua bentuk possessive pronoun yaitu dependent (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda) dan independent (ditempatkan setelah suatu kata kerja).
Contoh :
Dependent seperti my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Independent seperti mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
§  This green bag is hers. (Tas hijau itu adalah miliknya).
§  This small car is mine. Those are theirs. (Mobil mini ini milikku. Milik mereka yang itu)
§  This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours. (Koper ini bukan kopermu. Saya rasa punyamu yang di sana)
3.      Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang)
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti pada subyek dan obyek yang menunjukkan pada orang atau penamaan.
I => Me
You => You
She => Her
He => Him
It => It
We => Us
They => Them
Contoh kalimatnya:
§  I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it. (Saya memberikan buku ini kepada Anita kemarin. Dia merasa sangat senang ketika membacanya).
§  My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice. (Ibu saya mengambil sebuah gelas bersamanya. Dia ingin mengisinya dengan jus).
4.      Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang mempertanyakan orang atau benda. Ini antara lain: who, whom (siapa), whose (punya siapa), why (mengapa), which (yang mana), dan what (apa).
kata ganti atau pronomina yang digunakan untuk menanyakan orang, benda, atau suatu pilihan. Kata ganti yang sering dipakai adalah what, which who, whom dan whose.
– What is broken? (Apa yang pecah?)
– Who has make you sad? (Siapa yang membuat kamu sedih?))
– Which shop sold the kimchi? (Toko yang mana menjual Kimchi?)
2.Narrative Tenses
Narrative tenses are the grammatical structures that you use when telling a story, or talking about situations and activities which happened at a defined past time.
When narrating past events, DO NOT mix past and present tenses (avoid using the present perfect and present simple), as these will confuse the reader/listener about when things really happened.
Here are the most common narrative tenses and how they are used:
1.      The Simple Past Tense.
The past simple is used:
a)     to express a completed action at a definite time in the past. The separate events which occur in sequence in a narrative are expressed using this tense.
I woke up (1) at 8am, had a shower (2) and ate some breakfast (3). I left for work (4) at 9am.
NOTE! The past simple is the most common tense after ‘When?’ in questions.

b)     to express past habits.
I went to school in São Paulo until my family moved to Rio.
NOTE! Used to + verb is often used to express past habits and states that happened in the past, but do not happen now. Used to can not be used for actions which only occurred once.
E.g.     I used to work for Petrobrás. (I don’t work for them now)
I didn’t use to like living in Ipanema. (I do like it now)
Where did you use to go for lunch? (You don’t go there now)
Would (+ adverb of frequency) + verb can be used to express past habits which do not happen now.
E.g.     My grandfather would always read the newspaper at breakfast time. (He doesn’t do it now)
Using ‘would’ instead of ‘used to’ often gives an idea of nostalgia. However, if the adverb of frequency is stressed, it can give the idea that the habit was annoying.
E.g.     My dog would never do what I wanted it to do!
E.g. I would live in São Paulo. IS WRONG!

2.      The Past Continuous Tense.
As with all continuous tenses, the past continuous gives the idea of activity and duration.
The past continuous is used:
a)     To describe the situation in which the events of the narrative occurred.
When I woke up at 8am (1) the sun was shining (2) and the birds were singing (2). I had a shower (3), ate some breakfast (4) and left for work at 9am. (5)

b)     to express an activity in progress at a time in the past.
What were you doing (1) when I phoned (2) you?
NOTE! The past continuous is the most common tense after ‘while’ in questions and statements.
The past continuous also expresses the idea of:
An interrupted activity
E.g.  She was cooking dinner when the door bell rang. (She cooked dinner = she finished it)
An unfinished activity
E.g.  I was reading the book you lent me. (I read the book… = I finished reading the whole book)
A repeated action
E.g.  They were shooting at the enemy. (They shot…. = They fired the gun one time only)
A temporary situation
E.g. He was standing on the corner waiting for a bus. (It stood on the corner. = Permanent situation)
NOTE! The past continuous can also be used as ‘future in the past’. This will be explained later.

3.      The Past Perfect Simple Tense.
The past perfect simple is used
a)     to show that an action or situation happened BEFORE the events in the narrative described in the simple past.
When I woke up at 8am (1), the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I had slept (2) really well the night before. I had a shower (3), ate some breakfast (4) and left for work at 9am. (5)
NOTE! It is bad style to use too many verbs in the past perfect . As soon as it is clear that the events happened before the time that the narrative is set, use the simple past and past continuous.
When I woke up at 8am, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I had slept really well the night before. I dreamt about the time I spent living in Switzerland when I was a teenager. I had a shower, ate some breakfast and left for work at 9am.
NOTE! If the subject of two verbs is the same, you don’t have to repeat the ‘had’ auxiliary.
When I arrived, he’d finished his dinner and left the room.

b)     Making a narrative more interesting to read.
It is generally seen as bad literary style to have too many verbs in the same tense. In English it is always best to avoid repetition where possible.
Look again at the example used to illustrate the past simple tense.
This same sentence could be improved for dramatic effect by using the past perfect simple.
I woke up at 8am and left for work after I’d had a shower and eaten some breakfast.
CONJUNCTIONS (After, As soon as, Before, By the time, Once, till, When, Unless, Until)
With these conjunctions of time, the past perfect shows that the first action MUST BE COMPLETED before the second action begins, otherwise the past simple is used.
After….she finished, they left / she had finished, they left. (She had to finish first)
 As soon as…we arrived she said “hello”. / I had done it, I sent it to her. (I had to do it first)
She wouldn’t sign the contract  before…. seeing it / she had seen it. (She had to see it first)
They wouldn’t go unless….she came with them / they had seen it was safe.
(It was important to finish checking that it was safe before going)
For more information on conjunctions of time, see the worksheet called: When do I use the perfect tenses?.

4.      The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
a)     The past perfect continuous is used for longer activities that were happening continuously up until a specified time in the past.
He looked very tired (1), he had been working very hard (2) over the past three weeks.
As with the past continuous, the past perfect continuous can show the following:
Unfinished activity
E.g.     He hadn’t heard the telephone ring because he’d been reading.
Repeated activity
E.g.     I was tired. I’d been cutting wood all day.
With the past perfect simple, the focus is on the completed activity.
E.g.     He’d read three reports that morning.
He’d cut a huge pile of wood.

5.      The Future in the Past.
The future in the past is used to look into the future from a point of time in the past. However, this “future” event still occurred at a time before the present time.
I woke up (1) at 8am yesterday. I was meeting my boss (2) at ten o’clock that morning, so I wouldn’t be able to have lunch (3) with Susan. I wasn’t going to get home (4) again until late that night.
Depending on the situation, the following tenses are used in the future in the past:
The past simple (a timetabled event) The past continuous (an arrangement)

Would (a prediction) Was going to (a plan)

Would be doing (an action at a specific time)
Would have done (action completed before a specified time